Foundational Stage

Foundational Stage : Nursery, Lower Kindergarten (LKG), Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class I and II

"Children are great imitators; So, give them something great to imitate."

Nursery, LKG, and UKG pupils are taught to be friendly and gregarious in order to stay up with the times. In these areas, the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation system has been used. Periodically, assessments are carried out without prior notice, and those who are missing are offered another opportunity later. This is done to relieve the children of the burden of exams at such a young age.

At this stage, the Play Way Method is utilized. Every day, they are also brought to the campus's Children's Park. They place a high value on outside activities so they can enjoy their childhood.

The Nursery Department teaches its children self-reliance and the fundamentals of manners. They begin learning about writing, the English Alphabet, and single-digit numerals. Additionally, they learn how to recite poignant rhymes.

The LKG kids are instructed in the proper cursive writing style for writing the letters. At this time, the numbers 1 through 50 are taught. Additionally, they learn how to construct words out of the alphabet's letters. Fairy tales, whether they be found in cartoons, short novels, or another format, are used to teach children how to recite rhymes and other fundamental manners and values.

Upon reaching UKG, students receive instruction in short phrase construction, which serves as an introduction to speaking. By the time they finish UKG, students can speak in English and are prepared to begin primary school.

Classes I & II These early years are about fostering curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning! The focus is on holistic development. Here are the key subjects taught:

Languages: Students learn their mother tongue or a regional language, along with English. The goal is to enhance communication skills.

Mathematics: Basic concepts like counting, addition, subtraction, shapes, and patterns are introduced.

Environmental Studies (EVS): This subject covers topics related to nature, environment, and community. It includes aspects of science, social studies, and local culture.

Art and Craft: Students explore creativity through drawing, colouring, and simple crafts.

Physical Education (PE): Focuses on physical fitness, sports, and games.

Values Education: Instils moral values, empathy, and ethical behaviour. There are two semesters in an academic year: Semester I runs from April to September, and Semester II runs from October to March. Each semester, there are two assessments given. The first evaluation is given as a unit test (20 marks), and the second is given as a periodic test (40 marks).The imaginative preparation of the assessment sheets enables them to enjoy learning. Along with the usual extracurricular activities, practical experience, activity-based learning, and life skills are given the priority they deserve. To improve their learning, they are given simple assignments to work on.

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