Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The School Uniform:

  • The School uniform is to be worn on all School days and for all School functions.
  • No jewelry is permitted for girls except small studs or earrings worn close to the earlobes. No danglers and multiple piercings of the ear-lobes are allowed.
  • Hair should be neatly plaited or tied.
  • Rubber bands used should be black. Long hair should not be let loose.
  • A leather, cloth, or canvas bag may be used.


  • Girls: Pleated frock, black shoes, white socks
  • Boys: Short pants/ shirts, black shoes, white socks


  • Girls: White A-line frock with sailor collar
  • Boys: Blue short pants/ white short-sleeved shirts with sailor collar, black shoes, white socks

Class I & II

  • Girls: Striped pleated skirts with white blouse
  • Boys: Striped short pants with white shirts & school belt, black shoes, white socks with blue lining for all.

Class III to V

  • Girls: Blue box pleated skirt and white striped blouse
  • Boys: Blue pants with striped shirts

Class VI to VIII

  • Blue (JCT - 108) box pleated skirt and a white blouse with a blue collar and blue stripes on the sleeves, black shoes, and white socks.

Class IX to XII

  • Trousers with striped shirts for both boys and girls.

Winter Wear

Nursery to class II :

  • Blue striped hoodies, Stockings for girls, and long pants for boys.
  • V to XII: A navy-blue blazer plain V-necked navy blue sleeveless cardigan and navy-blue cap for boys and navy-blue scarf for girls.

P. T Uniform

  • On Wednesday’s house color dress and plain white canvas shoes will be worn by all the students of I to X. White slacks should be used by girls.


  • The School Academic Year for 2024 -25 sessions begin in the 1st week of April and end in March 2025.
  • Vacations: There are three vacations during the school year. The Summer Vacation in May – June, the Puja Vacation in October-November, and the Christmas Vacation in December – January. These holidays may not be extended or anticipated. Students who do not abide by this rule expose themselves to disciplinary action.
  • Saturdays and Sundays are weekly holidays. Generally, the 1 st & 3rd Saturday of the month are working days.


  • Regular and punctual attendance is insisted upon for every student. A minimum of 85% attendance is required to be considered for promotion to a higher class.
  • Whenever absent, especially on account of illness, parents are expected to write a brief leave note in the ‘Absent’ column in this calendar. Sickness of two days or more should be supported by a doctor’s certificate.
  • Birthdays, marriages, excursions, or urgent work are not sufficient reasons for absence from school. No leave of absence is given unless applied for, in writing, and sanctioned by the Principal.
  • To be admitted to the classroom, those who have been absent and late-comers, must show their Regularity Record duly countersigned by the Principal.
  • Every student must be present on the closing and reopening day of the school. There will be unit tests on the closing and reopening day of every term.
  • Continuous absence of 15 days without any prior intimation will necessitate the authorities to strike off the names of the pupils from the rolls, and they will not be readmitted.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school premises except with the gate pass duly signed by the Principal or the person authorized by her. Parents should not call their children away during school hours. Such requests by parents will not be acceded to. When a child is sick she must not be sent to school.
  • Absence just before examinations will not be accepted except for serious illness with the doctor’s certificate.


  • Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the school. Parents are requested to collaborate with the school authorities, Periodical reports will keep the parents informed of the progress of their ward. These reports are to be signed by the parents.
  • No collection of any kind will be made in school without the previous sanction of the Principal.
  • Students are responsible to the School Authorities for their conduct in and out of the school. Conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school is a sufficient reason for the dismissal of the students.
  • No books, periodicals, or newspapers of an objectionable nature shall be brought into the school. All books for private reading must be submitted to the class teacher for approval. CDs, DVDs, Mobile Phones, and other electronic gadgets are not permitted on the school premises.
  • No letters are to be passed on to the students or teachers except through the Principal. Tiffin boxes, bottles of water, books, or S.U.P.W material will not be accepted. Students will not be permitted to make phone calls during the school hours.
  • Students are reminded to address their teachers as well as the non-teaching staff with due respect and politeness. On their way to and from school, they are expected to behave in a ladylike manner with due honour to the name of the school.
  • Bicycles should be kept in the stand provided for and should be securely locked. No student or staff member is allowed to ride a bicycle, scooter, or car inside the school gate. Parents are not allowed to bring their vehicles inside the campus during the school hours.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with their name. Bringing expensive articles will be at personal risk.
  • No student detained in the same class will be given any concession in fees.
  • No school business will be transacted during holidays in person or by phone.
  • St. Agnes school is a family and all members of the family should treat each other with respect & affection, whether they are staff, students, parents, or any of the School stakeholders. Bullying, discrimination, ragging, eve-teasing, or any sexually coloured remarks/notes/instant messages/emails/group chats whether it happens physically or out of school or in the internet domain, is strictly forbidden and shall be treated very severely if reported to the School authorities and found to be correct.
  • Any student who is required to bring any prescribed medication is permitted to bring such medication after prior application by the parents supported by a medical certificate and that child will be responsible for looking after the medication and taking it as per doctor’s advice.
  • Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives, and other related dangerous material or inflammable substances/lighters/matches/fire lighters to school. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders under the rules for prohibited articles.
  • It is strictly forbidden to practice any illegal activities including smoking, use of drugs or intoxicants, rowdyism, rude/aggressive behavior, and discriminatory behavior including casteism and communalism in school.
  • Care must be taken of all school property and no students shall write or draw anything/scratch on/spoil/deface/damage the desks or chairs or any school furniture, on the walls, or in any way harm things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, shall be reported at once to the school authorities. Any damage done will be made good by the student responsible for it.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal and the gate pass.
  • Any student who is a perpetrator of any sort of abuse: verbal, physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual is liable to be expelled from the School. A student who harms another in any way may be suspended or dismissed, depending on the seriousness of the abuse. A student who incites another to do the same can also face the same disciplinary measure. The School may be compelled to inform the legal authorities/police in cases requiring legal intervention according to law.
  • No collection of any kind will be made in school without the previous sanction of the Principal.
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