

  • The classes in school are from Nursery to class XII. Information regarding admission to Nursery is published on the notice board / School website by September.
  • New candidates must be introduced personally to the Principal by the one who will be responsible for his conduct and fees. They will be examined on the syllabus of the class immediately below that to which they seek admission.
  • Parents/Guardians are asked to fill in the admission forms with utmost accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted. A self-attested copy of the birth certificate obtained from civil authorities must be deposited in school for admission. Names in the certificate must be exactly same as the one in the form submitted in school at the time of admission. Once the particulars are filled up during the admission, no change will be accepted except with the court order.
  • A candidate who has attended a recognized school may be admitted only with a Transfer Certificate from the school he has last attended. Catholic students must also produce a Baptism Certificate along with a letter from the parish of residence.
  • Any selection test at the time of admission is an internal evaluation by the school and access to answer scripts for purposes of personal satisfaction and comparison is not permitted.
  • Admission to XI is entirely based on academic and non- academic performances, which include conduct and overall behavior. A new application is required for admission to this course. There will also be an interaction of the candidate along with the parents. Conduct Record of a student has a major role to play in his/her admission to Class XI. Change of subject/stream is not permitted in class XI once the name is registered for examination with the board.
  • Academic criteria for admission to XI:

    (1) Arts: A student must secure a minimum aggregate of 50%

    (2) Commerce: A student must secure a minimum aggregate of 65% and 70% in Mathematics.

    (3) Science: A student must secure minimum 75% in each of the following subjects: Mathematics and Science.

  • The Principal is the final authority in granting admissions and her decision is final and binding on all.


  • Before withdrawing a student from the School, a Calendar Months’ Notice in writing is to be given and an advance of three month's fee is to be paid. Application for School Leaving Certificate is attached in this diary. The application must be signed by both the parents.
  • No School leaving Certificate will be issued until all dues to the School have been paid in full and only on receipt of a written application from the parent or guardian.
  • No marks will be changed in the Progress Report because the child is applying for Transfer Certificate.
  • A fee of Rs. 500/- will be paid for the Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate.
  • A student whose attendance is irregular, who’s fees are not cleared, who is habitually late or absent, lazy or disobedient, whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with strict discipline, whose sickness is liable to be injurious to other Children may be asked to leave the School.
  • Notwithstanding anything in the Prospectus, the Principal may, at her absolute discretion, request any parent at any time to take his/her ward out of the school. As a rule, a child who is asked to leave / has taken Transfer Certificate is not re- admitted. In cases involving relocation of parents on transfer, re-admission may be considered at the discretion of the Principal.
  • The Principal's decision is final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal.

Examination And Promotion:

  • Continuous assessments are meant to ensure regularity on the part of the student. Unit Tests and class tests are important part of the continuous assessment for the progress of the student. The answer scripts of these tests are duly evaluated and shown to the students and parents.
  • For LKG and UKG, tests are conducted every week or fortnight. Parents are requested to co-operate by sending their wards regularly to school.
  • English being the medium of instruction, no student failing in it, will be promoted to a higher class.
  • There will be two terminal examinations and two-unit tests for classes I to VIII. Classes I to IV are evaluated and assessed through two semesters. Classes IX to XII are prepared very intensely for their Board Examination with three terminal examinations.
  • Attendance for Pre-Boards, internal assessments, Practical Exams & Projects for classes X to XII is compulsory on the days scheduled. No exceptions can be made in this regard. Defaulters may be awarded a zero in that particular subject. For students who are absent for any Assessment / Unit Test / Class Test, no provision can be made for supplementary tests.
  • Failure to appear at any assessment can seriously affect a student's academic progress. All children must attend the full day class and no student shall be permitted to come to school only to take a test and go back home after the test except in rare circumstances where in the opinion/discretion of the Principal such child is seriously unwell.
  • A student who has made arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any persons or any agency is liable to have his result in the examination cancelled as a whole. Candidates who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be debarred from the examination and expelled from the school.
  • There is no arrangement for “re-examination” or “promotion on trial”. Students who are sick must not be sent to school to write examination.
  • No child will absent herself on the previous week of the examination without a medical certificate. Prior information should be given in case of illness.
  • The progress report card must be collected by the Parents on the stipulated day. A student cannot attend the school until his/her report is collected.
  • Answer Scripts will only be shown to the parents. Tuition teachers or any outsiders are not entitled to check the progress of the child in the school and any request made to show them the papers will not be entertained.

Private tuitions

  • As per rules and guidelines, it is the policy of the School to discourage private tuitions. A child should be able to progress in work as a result of good teaching and attention of the child in school, and any child who requires extra attention may receive the same through remedial classes on application by the parents to the Principal.
  • The children are strictly not allowed to take tuitions from their own School teachers.
  • As per applicable guidelines, School Teachers are not allowed to undertake private tuitions.
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