Rules & Regulations


  • All ex-students of St.AgnesSchool ,Kharagpur shall be eligible for membership , irrespective of their tenure of study .
  • Annual Membership fee will be Rs250/- and Rs 150/- for students .

General Body

  • A General Body Meeting (GBM) shall be held twice every year at St. Agnes School , Kharagpur at a date determined by the Executive Committee.
  • A GBM may be called at any time to discuss any contingencies that may arise.
  • The quorum for GBM shall be 2/3rd of the total members.
  • Each member shall have only one vote and proxy shall not exercise it.
  • The GBM shall be presiding over by the President, in whose absence the Vice President shall preside , failing which the General Secretary shall take charge.
  • The Presiding Officer shall exercise an additional vote whenever the votes taken at a meeting are equally divided.
  • The General Body shall elect the office bearers of the Executive Committee.
  • The General Secretary shall present the yearly budget to the General Body. Any alterations or modifications shall be carried out only after being approved by a 2/3rd majority of the members present.
  • The yearly budget shall be presented to the General Body for approval at the first GBM of the year.
  • Any amendment to the Rules & Regulations of the Alumni shall only be carried out after being approved by a 2/3rd majority of the GBM.
  • The election of the office bearers shall be held at the first GBM of the year.
  • Election to any post shall not be carried out in absentia.

Executive Committee.

  • The Executive Committee shall consist of the following bearers.
    1. Patron - Ex-officio
    2. President - 1 Post
    3. Vice President - 1 Post
    4. General Secretary - 1 Post
    5. Joint Secretary - 2 Posts
    6. Treasurer - 1 Post
    7. Staff Representative - 4 posts
  • The tenure of the Executive Committee shall not exceed a period of one year.
  • The Executive Committee shall function under the general control of the President or in his / her absence any competent member as decided under the rules & regulations.
  • All executive powers shall rest with the Executive Committee.
  • Expulsion- In case of activities detrimental to the Alumni by any member , the Executive Committee shall have the powers to cancel his/her membership at the maximum.


  • The Patron shall be the Principal / acting Principal of St. Agnes School ,Kharagpur . She shall act as a guide and mentor in the affairs of the Alumni.
  • She shall have the right to vote
  • She shall be the co-operator of the bank accounts of the Alumni . All records , books including passbook , cheque books shall be kept in the safe custody of the Patron at the premised of St. Agnes School , Kharagpur.


  • The President shall be an elected member.
  • The tenure of office shall not exceed a period of one year.
  • He / She shall have the general control over the affairs of the Alumni.
  • He / She shall function under the consensus of the Executive Committee.
  • He / She shall preside over the General Body Meeting , Executive Committee and other Working Committee Meetings.

Vice President

  • He / She shall have the same powers as that of the President , but shall exercise such powers only in the absence of the President.
  • The tenure of office shall not exceed a period of one year.
  • He / She shall be an elected member.

General Secretary

  • He / Shall be elected by the General Body for a period of one year.
  • He / She shall be responsible for the executive administration of the Alumni and shall be responsible for the following matters as listed below.
  • To maintain the prescribed accounts and registers
  • To attend to the correspondence of the Alumni
  • To attend and convene meetings of General Body , Executive Committee and the Working Committee and duly record the proceedings such meetings and to carry out the resolutions that may be passed at the meetings.
  • To purchase various requirements of the Alumni in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  • To prepare the Annual statements and other returns.
  • To prepare the Annual Budget with prior consultation of the Executive Committee
  • His / Her financial powers shall be limited to a sum not exceeding Rupees Five thousand only ( Rs 5000/- ) at a time.
  • In case of one time expenses exceeding Rs 1000/- , he / she shall take the approval of the Executive Committee or the Patron.

Joint Secretary

  • Two Joint Secreatries will be elected by the General Body for a tenure not exceeding a period of one year.
  • Hey shall assist the General Secretary in the smooth functioning of the Alumni.


  • He / She shall be elected by the GB for a tenure of one year only.
  • He / She shall be responsible for the safe custody of all the cash.
  • He / She shall assist the Gen.Secretary in the day to day functioning of the Alumni.
  • He / She shall be the Co-operator of the bank accounts of the Alumni along with the Patron.
  • All financial transactions of the Alumni by the Treasurer shall only be done after obtaining the prior approval of the General Secreatry.

Staff Representatives

  • Four Staff Representatives shall be nominated by the Patron and shall be in advisory capacity only.
  • Staff Representatives shall have the right to vote on all the issues.
  • The Staff Representatives shall be nominated for a period of one year only.

Working Committee

  • The Working Committee shall be conducted by the Executive Committee for a specific function / duty from time to time as and when needed and there shall be no fixed tenure.
  • The Working Committee will stand dissolved after due completion of the job for which it was constituted.
  • The number of members in any Working Committee shall be at the discretion of Executive Committee.
  • No financial powers shall be delegated to the Working Committee but shall be under the control of GS and Treasurer.


    1. The Amount collected shall be in the form of Voluntary Donations except the Membership Fee.
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