Principal`s Message

Principal`s Message

Greetings from St. Agnes Higher Secondary School's official webpage. Our goal is for it to grow into a significant resource for parents, students, and other stakeholders seeking up-to-date information and school news. We want to routinely update our website with news and announcements about our activities for the visitors.

It is said ‘If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people’,

Giving answers is not what education is all about. It entails giving the student the tools to look within for the solutions. Students who receive an education are more equipped to explore their identities.

One cannot overstate the value of education in one's life. It molds people during their formative years and instills values in them that will guide all of their decisions throughout their lives. One could even argue that the nation's future will be determined by the caliber of its educational system.

We, the staff and teachers of St. Agnes Higher Secondary School, are devoted to the well-being of the students entrusted to our care. Teaching is a calling and a passion for us. We function as an educational unit that combines the ideal amount of demanding academic procedures with engaging and pleasurable learning activities.

The guiding concepts that will elevate the school's prominence and direct its development over time include a dedication to high-quality instruction, significant investment, sound administration, and ongoing development. The goal of our entire staff is to create a learning atmosphere where kids can develop socially, emotionally, and intellectually. The classrooms at our school embody the team's philosophy that every kid is an individual with distinct needs. In addition to their academic excellence, our pupils have made us proud by representing our school in state-level competitions and earning multiple medals in sports.

Excellent and well-known professionals are teaching our kids a variety of extracurricular activities, from drums, guitar, keyboard, and dance to football, basketball, cricket, and chess, helping our school reach new heights. They will undoubtedly keep winning awards for the school. The teaching staff's efforts and our pupils' high levels of motivation are credited with the accomplishment.

We work hard to reach new heights and open up new educational opportunities for our pupils. I do not doubt that while it soars high in its pursuit of academic achievement, St. Agnes will always radiate warmth and compassion and serve as a beacon of light guiding the destiny of her students.

Yours lovingly,

Sister Maria Monica A.C

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