
The School celebrates a vareity of Events throughout the year. They are celebrated to inculcate the importance of these events within the Students.

Teacher`s Day Celebrations 2015

Teacher`s Day was celebrated at St.Agnes School in the School Auditorium.Sr. Susheela A.C. - Superior General of the Apostolic Carmel graced the occasion and lit the ceremonial lamp to start the event .The Students had arranged for many cultural programmes to celebrate the event.The Teachers thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Inter-house Basketball Tournament 2015

Inter house Basketball Tournament 2015 was held on 21st August 2015 at St. Agnes School .Winner of the Tournament was Red House whereas Yellow House bagged up the runners up position. Our Hearty congratulations to all the participants of the tournament

Career Counselling for Class XI and XII

Career Counselling for Class XI and XII by Md. Reeyaz from 19th to 21st August 2015 was conducted successfully at St.Agnes School.The Students highly benefited from the Event.

Father`s Day celebrated at St. Agnes School

Father`s Day was celebrated at St. Agnes School Kharagpur on 21st June 2015 to honor fathers and to celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.Several games and activities were organised to celebrate the day .

Blood Donation Camp at St. Agnes School

On 14th May, 2015 a Blood Donation Camp was organized at the school premises. Preparations for the comfort of the donors were well organized by the club members of Spice Club. Refreshment packet from ‘Little Sister’ was arranged. The students brought Glucose packets, eggs and fruits. The rooms were tastefully decorated with posters and soft instrumental music was played. The Additional Medical Superintendent of Kharagpur Main Hospital Dr. Nazmi, Dr. Pattanayak and their team from Voluntary Blood Donation Organization, Kharagpur, provided their medical support for the camp.

International Nurses Day

St Agnes School Scouts and Guides organized an assembly programme – a prayer ,prayer song, a talk on “Florence Nightangle”, the lady with the lamp and a short skit called –“Panna the faithful nurse” was relayed over the intercom.

The Guides visited the Railway Hospital and showed their gratitude with a song, a bouquet and sweets. The nurses felt very happy and touched by the greeting.

Teacher`s Orientation by Mrs.Tumpa Sarkar

The beginning of the new academic session 2015-16 was initiated with an interesting orientation for the teachers on 7th April, 2015. The orientation reflected a coherent perspective on teaching, learning, and learning to teach that gives direction to the practical activities of educating teachers.

The program emphasized three areas of knowledge:

  • a broad understanding of the disciplinary roots of school subjects,
  • knowledge about how pupils learn in different subject areas, and
  • knowledge of effective teaching strategies that promote conceptual understanding.The instructor organized the course around five topics: goals, objectives, task analysis, evaluation, information, and practice.The teacher is a facilitator who creates conditions that support learning. In the classroom, the teacher creates a learning community that promotes democratic values and practices. In the school, the teacher participates in curriculum development and policymaking. In the community, the teacher works to improve school conditions and educational opportunities through community involvement.

Mrs. Tumpa Sarkar was very effective in her instructions and the orientation greatly aided the teachers of St. Agnes, enthusing them with the right spirit and infusing them with confidence in their abilities to help students learn.

Inspection by Sr. Desiree, Sr. Mary Fay, Sr. Leela and Sr. Kiran

The Agnesians were delighted to have in their midst the solemn presence of the Sisters who had come all the way from Kolkata to inspect the progress of our school. Sr. Desiree motivated the students and teachers with her speech in the assembly program and reiterated the fact that each Agnesian is a Star in his/her own right! During 16th-21st April, Sr. Desiree, Sr. Mary Fay, Sr. Leela and Sr. Kiran took turns to visit each class and patiently monitored the teaching methods of the teachers and gave their kind words of guidance.

Cricket Tournament: On 22nd and 23rd April 2015

The Sports Club organized the Inter-House Cricket Tournament. The budding cricketers were carefully coached and selected by Sir Cedric. The cricketers displayed their skills in the field in the midst of the cheering audience. Red House emerged as the winner of the Tournament. DipojyotiMahapatra was the Best Player of the Match.

The Sports Club also organized a Field Day for the Supportive Staff of our school on 27th April.

Youth Parliament: On 10th April 2015

Class X participated in the Youth Parliament Competition in the School Hall. The Youth Parliament is basically a small enactment of the functioning of the Indian Parliament. Under the able guidance of their History Teacher, Ms. Tuli Chakraborty, the three sections of Class X presented a short enactment of the everyday functioning of the Parliament, in the presence of judges who had come from KendriyaVidyalaya I.I.T, Sacred Heart School and Railway Mixed School

World Book Day :on 23rd April 2015

World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day is a yearly event on 23rd April, organized by UNESCO, to promote reading, publishing and copyright. The connection between 23rd April and books was first made in 1923 by booksellers in Catalonia, Spain as a way to honor William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and several other prominent authors who were born or died on this day. The main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own. Keeping this in mind, St. Agnes School celebrated World Book Day on 23rd April organized by the Literary Club.

The Literary Club members organized a short assembly in the morning and highlighted the importance of reading books through a narrative play, some quotes and explained the significance of the aims of UNESCO .

A book fair was held on 23rd and 24th April in the school cycle-parking lot. A Progressive Book seller from the IIT Campus was requested to come and set up their stall. They displayed an array of books—fiction, nonfiction, autobiographies etc. They arrived in the morning and were helped by the Literary Club members and animator to put up the stall. The area was nicely decorated with posters and festoons prepared by the club members. Students from classes 1 to 10 were taken to the book stall in batches and they bought books and ordered for the ones which were not available. Parents were also encouraged to visit the book stall after 1:30pm on both days. The book fair was a huge success with both students and book seller smiling all the way back home.

World Labour Day on 1st May 2015

World Labour Day was celebrated at St. Agnes School on 1st May,2015 to mark the importance of the workers in the school and around the world. Students were made to learn the importance of the Workers by various cultural activities.

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