Scouts & Guides

Leadership through personal touch is the key note of our success in the movement.


  • To build up ones character.
  • To attain self – confidence.
  • To make them self-reliant, develop brotherhood qualities.
  • To inculcate healthy habits.
  • To respect nation and others.
  • To develop leadership qualities

Events organized by Scouts & Guides

Rendering Service to the Soceity

St Agnes School Scouts and Guides rendered their service at the Kharagpur railway station on 20th and 21st of May 2015.This way they fulfilled their commitment to the soceity.We are proud of them.

International Nurses Day

St Agnes School Scouts and Guides organized an assembly programme – a prayer ,prayer song, a talk on “Florence Nightangle”, the lady with the lamp and a short skit called –“Panna the faithful nurse” was relayed over the intercom.

The Guides visited the Railway Hospital and showed their gratitude with a song, a bouquet and sweets. The nurses felt very happy and touched by the greeting.

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