Spice Club

Spice Club is an active club of St. Agnes School and organizes many events throughout the year.

Blood Donation Camp organized by Spice Club

APRIL 2015

The first meeting of the session was conducted on 10th April, 2015 in the school Audio-Visual room. The meeting was presided by the Animator Mrs. Antara and attendance was marked by the Secretary Soumika Dhar. Spice Club was honoured to have in their midst the solemn presence of their Principal Sr. Sarita and Sr. Desiree, who had come for an inspection of the club activities. The meeting started with a prayer for world peace, invoking the blessings of the Lord for an active year ahead for the members of the Spice Club. The new leaders of the cabinet were selected who are Ms. Debashija Mondal (XC), Ms. Soumika Dhar (IX C) and Ms. Soumi Patra (IXC), as the President, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. The Action Plan for the month of April, May and June was drafted.

To observe World Health Day, it was decided by club members that fruits will be provided for the Hindi School students of St. Mary’s Convent.

An interesting Quiz was conducted by the Animator and Ms. Debasrija Mondal to make the members aware of World Earth Day and the various aspects of our beautiful Earth. The new members were successfully initiated in the club and they resolved to fulfill their role as an instrument of peace and love in their surroundings and protect their environment from impending harm. A hand-out of the Spice Club Anthem was given to the new members and the senior members were instructed to teach them the anthem.

The meeting ended with the kind words of motivation by Sr. Desireewho impressed on us the need of being persons of peace and charity to make the world a better place o live.

On 22nd April, 2015, the Spice Club members distributed fruits to the Hindi School students of St. Mary’s Convent. The little one’s beamed with joy to receive the fruits and ate it happily after their meals. The Spice Club members interacted with them about the need of health and hygiene.

MAY 2015

A meeting was conducted on 4th May 2015, in the school hall. The plan to celebrated World Thalassemia Day was drafted by the club members. Posters on World Thalassemia Day and on the importance of blood donation, creative slogans were planned out. A street show for the Pre-Primary Parents on Thalassemia and blood donation was prepared for 8th May. Blood Donation Camp at the school campus to be conducted on 14th May, 2015.

On 8th May,2015 a successful street show on World Thalassemia Day was showcased at the gates and posters were also displayed . Pre-Primary parents were impressed with show and all their queries about Thalassemia were successfully handled by the club members and the animator. They were informed about the Blood Donation Camp in the school campus on 14thMay and many agreed to attend the camp. After the recess Roshni Ghosh(VIII A) addressed the students and teachers to create awareness about the day and appealed to all to collect the registration forms for blood donation camp in the school.

On 14th May, 2015 a Blood Donation Camp was organized at the school premises. Preparations for the comfort of the donors were well organized by the club members.Refreshment packet from ‘Little Sister’ was arranged. The students brought Glucose packets, eggs and fruits. The rooms were tastefully decorated with posters and soft instrumental music was played. The Additional Medical Superintendent of Kharagpur Main Hospital Dr. Nazmi, Dr. Pattanayak and their team from Voluntary Blood Donation Organization, Kharagpur, provided their medical support for the camp. The first two donors were Naaz Rai (XI COM) and Mrs. Papri Roy (mother of Prosari Roy XII, Arts) Among the staff Mrs. Sunita Malla, Mr. Lalit Jain, Mrs. Tania Mukhopadhyay Mrs. Sandeep and a few others donated their blood. Students and teachers from Sacred Heart School were equally enthusiastic about the camp. Fr. Subroto, Principal of St. Joseph’s School attended the camp, the parents of our school and a few generous outsiders came all the way to make it successful. They received certificates, badges and refreshment form the school. All the donors felt proud as each of them were personally looked after and appreciated for their remarkable contribution. They applauded the efforts of the school and expressed their desire to attend such camps again in future.

On 15th May, 2015, a seminar on the awareness of Thalassemia was conducted by Dr. S. A. Nazmi and his team from Voluntary Blood Donation Organization, Kharagpur. They sensitized the students of Classes XI and XII on the disease of Thalassemia – its cause, effect, with statistics on the victims, their care and methods of prevention. The seminar produced a good impact on the senior students and all their queries were resolved by the resourceful doctor. Dr. Nazmi and his team appreciated the efforts of the Principal and the school for arranging the Blood Donation Camp successfully. The resource persons were greeted with bouquet of fresh flowers and a token of appreciation from the school. The Spice Club Animator expressed her gratitude to the Principal for her kind support and guidance in all their activities.

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